This pamphlet was written by an Orthodox priest primarily for Protestants (in the broadest sense of the word), although it may be of interest to the Orthodox reader as well.
The Lord Jesus Christ said about His disciples: «Let them all be one» (John 17:21). Meanwhile, it is obvious that in the case of Orthodox and Protestants this unity is not observed. What is the reason? There are Orthodox books written for the Orthodox, explaining the reasons for the division, and there are Protestant books written for Protestants with the same purpose. But it seems that there are not enough books that would not be limited to their audience, but would be an attempt at dialogue. This brochure is one of those.
It is called «A Gift to a Protestant Friend» because it was not written to accuse Protestants of anything, but to help in a friendly and fraternal way to deal with what prevents us from being «one», in our differences. Over the past years, I have had the opportunity to communicate with Protestants more than once, to listen to their questions, which were often repeated. In this small brochure, a Protestant will be able to find out the Orthodox answer to the most common questions, and also, perhaps, look at some topics that are already familiar to him from a new angle.
The Lord Jesus Christ said about His disciples: «Let them all be one» (John 17:21). Meanwhile, it is obvious that in the case of Orthodox and Protestants this unity is not observed. What is the reason? There are Orthodox books written for the Orthodox, explaining the reasons for the division, and there are Protestant books written for Protestants with the same purpose. But it seems that there are not enough books that would not be limited to their audience, but would be an attempt at dialogue. This brochure is one of those.
It is called «A Gift to a Protestant Friend» because it was not written to accuse Protestants of anything, but to help in a friendly and fraternal way to deal with what prevents us from being «one», in our differences. Over the past years, I have had the opportunity to communicate with Protestants more than once, to listen to their questions, which were often repeated. In this small brochure, a Protestant will be able to find out the Orthodox answer to the most common questions, and also, perhaps, look at some topics that are already familiar to him from a new angle.